1 Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your NGO.
Decide which weaknesses can be tackled through training.
2 Look for Training Courses.
Often the best training is near you, adapted to your culture and affordable. There are many courses in Europe that will cost you a lot, but you can look for funding.
Training in Financial Management is provided by (among others):
- Mango has free training materials in financial management for NGOs and holds training events all over the world.
- INTRAC offers training around Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning, Organisational and Capacity Development, Programme Strategy & Design, Advocacy & Policy Influencing, and Gender (Programme Design).
Training for Workers with the Elderly:
- HelpAge International has a section of practical guidelines – on Emergencies, HIV & AIDS, Health & care, and Rights & Advocacy – which you can use for your own training.
Distance Learning:
This means courses that provide materials and support over the web or through email. These kinds of courses are becoming more common. If you are interested, download folder How to Succeed with Distance Education from our library.
3 Look for a Mentor
That is, an older person with experience and wisdom who can guide you through the process.
4 Look for a Consultant to work with your NGO in institutional development, capacity building etc.
- For example, Quest-consult are a consultancy in the Netherlands with wide experience of working with NGOs.
5 Design a programme of self-directed learning, using manuals.
Two manuals on this site are designed so that workers can meet regularly in a group and teach themselves the necessary skills. They are:
folder Interviewing and Counselling at the Grass Roots and
folder Health Education for Behaviour Change
If you need to design a more formal training course for a specific group of workers, look at:
folder The Project Cycle – A Teaching Module
Teaching for Better Learning
This is written for health workers. However it can be adapted for use with other kinds of workers because it takes you through the necessary steps:
1 identify the job they have to do
2 break it down into the knowledge, attitudes and skills they will need
3 work out how to teach these
4 and then evaluate them
6 Identify other services which might help your NGO
Computer Aid International offers affordable, high-quality, refurbished IT equipment to schools, universities, NGOs and community centers in developing countries.
OpenOffice is free software that offers a good alternative to dependence on Microsoft. It is open source which means it belongs to everyone and is designed to run on all major platforms.
Book Aid International provides books for libraries, schools, refugee camps, hospitals, prisons and universities.