What kind of minorities exist where you are? They may be racial, religious or cultural minorities. Or minorities of the disabled, the elderly, homosexuals. 

Human Rights Watch follows issues by continent and country.


Many organisations see teaching literacy as a way to empower groups. Through literacy, it is hoped, groups can gain greater control over their own lives – from learning more about staying healthy to understanding legal contracts.

Operation Upgrade of South Africa works for social change through the development of strong literacy skills. They train educators to develop literacy lessons based on the real needs of learners, so that local issues such as AIDS, child abuse or the shortage of water, are incorporated into the programme. "Good Health Begins at home: A guide for literacy tutors" (72 pp in Zulu and English) is their manual linking literacy and health.

Enabling Education Network (Eenet) sees education in the widest sense as one of the ways to change poverty. They enable people to document and share their experiences of inclusion, equity and rights in education.

Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples all over the world have been subject to different waves of incoming groups, colonizers and nation builders – usually with better weapons. Often their culture has been nearly destroyed, first by invasion and loss of territory, then imported disease followed by the overwhelming weight of the imported culture and institutionalised discrimination. Gradually, indigineous cultures around the world who previously may have been reduced to alcohol addiction etc. are recovering their voice and finding ways to regenerate their culture.

Indigenous Peoples at the UN

Amnesty International Overview