Are you working with children who have been through catastrophic events – wars, the effects of HIV/AIDS? Here are some effective resources:

See these relevant sections from our manual  folder Interviewing & Counselling at the Grass Roots :

2.1 – Making the Office Friendly & Private
2.18 – Checklist to evaluate interviewing skills
3.9 – Recognising problems in children
3.10 – Helping children with problems
4.1 – Checklist to evaluate Counselling skills

Other useful publications:

"The Child Within" (72 pp. PDF) is a workbook from a Christian perspective but can be useful for people from other cultures as well. It arose out of a need expressed by volunteer caregivers who were experiencing serious difficulties in looking after orphaned children. Adults who are child care-givers rediscover and appreciate their own ‘child within’, and through structured workshop sessions, learn how to communicate more openly and effectively with children.