Specific Groups

Specific GroupsDifferent groups on this earth are in similar ways pushed out, ignored, excluded, underpriveleged, treated as inferior…
Minorities come in all sizes, including the so-called 1% who call all the shots. But from the point of view of Human Rights & Inclusion we are concerned with those who are disadvantaged and discriminated against.
Within one social group, there may be minorities of the disabled, the elderly, the homosexuals… even the position of women and children can be understood better if they are seen as a minority.

“Rights without power are meaningless” is a statement that needs thinking about in the context of children.

Are you working with children who have been through catastrophic events – wars, the effects of HIV/AIDS? Here are some effective resources:

under 5Networklearning invites all its friends and colleagues to take a little time to think about their country and its children under the age of five.

Why? Because these little kids are the future of the nation. If they are not reaching their full potential, the whole country loses out.