
Empowerment for small NGOs and change agents – YOU are leading healthy development in our communities and environments! 

» The networklearning Library has manuals to build key knowledge and skills.
» We provide links to good information and resources on the web, categorised under Fields and Skills.

» Arabic page   » French page   » Somali page

article-humanrightsWe are pleased to announce the release of a new manual specifically designed to plug a gap – by helping NGOs in the Middle East and North Africa who want to do more in the field of Human Rights. A lot of consideration and cross-cultural consultation has gone into the making of folder An Introduction to Human Rights in the Middle East & North Africa – a Guide for NGOs .

Note, for slow internet connections, we recommend to download the smaller (1Mb) PDF rather than the Word doc. We're now have an Arabic language version of this title to join our growing list of manuals and resources in Arabic.

healthy-babiesGames are a great way to get behaviour change. So we thought we'd breathe new life into an old favourite – folder Having Healthy Babies: an Educational "Snakes and Ladders" Game gets across the key messages via a colourful game board and question cards. Full supporting information and instructions included!

Finally, in case you didn't notice it slip into our library in the summer: we have a handy 17-page guide to folder Managing the Project Cycle .